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#SkyWay #certificate

Parallelamente all’elaborazione della progettazione, test pilota e attività concrete per la certificazione degli oggetti di sistemi di trasporto Yunitskiy, si esegue una serie di brevettazioni nazionali e internazionali relative al trasporto di stringa, alla progettazione, alle tecnologiche e artistiche soluzioni.

In particolare, nel 2016 sono state presentate diverse domande per la registrazione internazionale come marchi di fabbrica dei principali marchi della tecnologia SkyWay nei paesi economicamente sviluppati del mondo.

Nel 2016 sono stati ottenuti brevetti della Repubblica di Bielorussia per campioni industriali dei principali tipi di veicoli SkyWay (unibike, unibus, unicar, ecc.) e hanno cominciato la protezione brevettuale all’estero.

Nel marzo 2017 sono statti ottenuti i certificati di registrazione di 5 campioni industriali in Australia e 11 certificati di registrazione di campioni industriali validi sul territorio dei 23 paesi della Comunità europea, nonché 3 brevetti in Cina e 5 in Giappone.
Inoltre, nel territorio della Federazione Russa sono in vigore tre brevetti per invenzioni per vari tipi di trasporto di stringhe.

Durante il periodo dal 2016 all’inizio del 2017, all’Eurasian Patent Office sono state presentati dieci domande per brevetti eurasiatici per invenzioni e relative domande internazionali per invenzioni all’Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà Intellettuale per ottenere i brevetti per invenzioni in decine di Paesi in tutto il mondo.

La registrazione della proprietà intellettuale in diversi Paesi permette non solo di entrare legalmente nei mercati rilevanti con i propri prodotti, ma anche di garantire loro protezione contro l’uso non autorizzato e la concorrenza sleale.



In parallel with the design study, conducting experimental tests and actual steps to certify the objects of Yunitskiy’s transport systems, SkyWay Technologies Co. is proceeding with a complex of measures on national and international patenting of project designing, technological, artistic and artistic/design solutions related to SkyWay transport. The preparation of applications for registration of intellectual property objects is carried out in several directions: – visual means of ascertainment of Yunitskiy’s SkyWay transport systems and their components, vehicles related to them, as well as products and services for different purposes (construction, architectural, electrical, tool engineering and communication, chemical, agricultural and others) ― author’s development and preparation for registering trademarks including the brand logos of the enterprise; – original artistic and artistic/design solutions for the main structural components and modules of SkyWay transport including rolling stock, ― author’s developments and preparation of applications for patents and certificates for corresponding commercial samples; – innovative design solutions based on a set of know-how developed by engineer Anatoly Yunitskiy that have such features of patentability, as a world novelty, inventive level and industrial applicability, ― preparation of applications on patents for inventions; – objects of author’s right related to the above directions of patenting. The geography of international patenting includes areas of corporate interest of Skyway Technologies Co. and SkyWay Group of Companies. In particular, in 2016, several applications for international registration of major brand designations of SkyWay technology as trademarks were submitted in economically developed countries of the world. In 2016, the patents of the Republic of Belarus on commercial samples of major types of SkyWay vehicles (unibike, unibus, yunicar, etc.) to Yunitskiy’s SkyWay systems have been received and their patent protection abroad has been launched. In March 2017, we have already obtained the certificates on registration of five commercial samples in Australia and eleven registration certificates on commercial samples that are in force on the territories of 23 countries of the European Community, as well as three patents in China and five in Japan. In addition, on the territory of the Russian Federation three patents for inventions related to various types of SkyWay transport are acting and maintained in force. During the period 2016 ― early 2017 our Company has submitted to EAPO (Eurasian Patent Organization) ten applications for Eurasian patents on groups of inventions (every application contains from 2 to 5 inventions, for example: “SkyWay transport system and the method for its assembling (variants)”) and related international applications for inventions to WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) with the purpose to obtain patents for inventions in dozens of countries of the world. Registration of objects of intellectual property in different states allows not only to enter legally correctly the relevant markets with the own products, but also to ensure its protection from unauthorized use and unfair competition.

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