Joe Artid Fejzo ‘s Interview on URA trassmision on National Albanian TV Rtsh .. Life between Art of Music, Song and Business .. SKYWAY

Intervista e #JoeArtidFejzo ne Emisionin #URA ne Radio Televizionin #Shqiptar #Rtsh ..

Jeta mes Artit te Muzikes, Kenges dhe Biznesit .. Risite e #Trasportit me te ri Ekologjik #SkyWay … lidhja mes nje te ardhmeje te ndritur qe mund ti ndryshoje komplet tipologjine e trasporteve si ne Njerez ashtu edhe ne Mallra nje Shteti duke fuqizuar Turizmin dhe shkembimet e te mirave Materiale nje Kombi e me tej …

#BuidSkyWay#SaveThePlanet … !!

Per tu rregjistruar GRATIS ne kete te Ardhme ndiq linkun: Per me shume informacione rreth Projektit dhe Teknologjise SKYWAY mund te vizitoni Faqen Zyrtare te SkyWay Albania & Balkans


#JoeArtidFejzo‘s Interview on #URA Radio on National #Albanian #TV #Rtsh .. Life between Art of Music, Song and Business ..

#SkyWay‘s newest Ecological Exit SKYWAY the connection between a bright future that can change the whole type of transport both in humans and goods in a state by strengthening tourism and the exchange of goods between nations and further …

#BuidSkyWay#SaveThePlanet … !!

To register FREE in this Future follow the link: For more information about SKYWAY Project and Technology you can visit the SkyWay Albania & Balkans Official Website

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