Премьера #юникара

Modeli i sigurisë dhe unicar me tre pjesë janë demonstruar në stendën e ekspozimit të #transportit SkyWay. Nëse njohësit kureshtarë të risive mund të shohin modulin e sigurisë gjatë festivalit #EcoFest në korrik, unicar shfaqet për publikun për herë të parë në historinë e teknologjisë. #Ekspozita do të mbahet më 3-5 tetor në adresën Pobediteley Ave., 20/2. Lexo më shumë në faqen tonë të internetit.

Unicar është një transport publik, megjithatë, ngushëllimi i tij nuk është inferior ndaj karakteristikave të një makine. Çdo seksion unicar strehon në mënyrë të qetë gjashtë persona, për të cilët janë të pajisura vendet. Pesha është gjashtë ton. Numri i seksioneve në unicar mund të jetë deri në shtatë në varësi të intensitetit të trafikut të pasagjerëve. Është transporti i nivelit të dytë, ai lejon të lehtësojë trafikun e qytetit dhe të zgjidhë një nga problemet kyçe të një shoqërie urbane.

SkyWay Technologies Co. është një kompani inxhinierike e përfshirë në projektimin, ndërtimin dhe certifikimin e sistemeve të transportit SkyWay me shpejtësi të lartë (deri në 500 km / h), urbane dhe mallra. Sistemi njihet si Unitsky String Transport. Zgjidhjet inxhinierike të kompanisë sigurojnë shpejtësi të lartë lëvizjeje, zvogëlojnë shpenzimet dhe nivelin e ndikimit të dëmshëm të transportit në mjedis. Kompania morri pjesë në forumin e fundit të biznesit në Nju Delhi, pas së cilës përfaqësuesit e autoriteteve bjelloruse vizituan EcoTechnoPark.

Automjetet në transportin SkyWay janë karroca elektrike në rrota çeliku që funksionojnë në binarët e veçantë të vargut. Dallimet kryesore të projektimit të këtij sistemi nga llojet e tjera të rrugëve në dizajnin e mbështetëses janë para-theksimi i strukturës për tensione, mungesa e një shtegu të vazhdueshëm, konsumi i ulët i materialeve për ndërtim dhe lehtësia vizuale.

Unicar është pjesë e familjes së modeleve të transportit urban SkyWay. Ai përshtatet në mënyrë harmonike në infrastrukturën e çdo metropoli, e cila është veçanërisht e rëndësishme për qytetet me rritje të shpejtë të Bjellorusisë. Ajo është në formacionin e modelit me unibuses. Është e pajisur me vende në rangun e 2 deri në 18. Një model industrial me 18 vende do të shfaqet në ekspozitë. Shpejtësia maksimale e saj është 120-150 km / h, performanca e kompleksit është mbi 50 mijë pasagjerë / orë, gradient maksimal i rrugës deri në 30%.

Vitin e kaluar SkyWay Technologies Co gjithashtu mori pjesë në ekspozitën “Transport dhe logjistikë”, kompania është bërë një nga pikat kryesore të ngjarjes. Gjatë kësaj jave të transportit, e cila është aq e rëndësishme për zhvillimin e industrisë në Bjellorusi dhe të gjithë Euroazinë, ne kemi krijuar kontakte me Zëvendës Kryeministrin e Bjellorusisë Anatoli Kalinin, Ministrat e Transportit të Lituanisë dhe Bjellorusisë Rimantas Sinkevicius dhe Anatoly Sivak, Zëvendëskryetari i parë i Presidiumit të Akademisë Kombëtare të Biolezianëve të Shkencave Sergej Chizhik.

** Italiano


Un modulo di sicurezza e unicar a tre sezioni sono dimostrati presso il banco di prova del trasporto #SkyWay. Se i curiosi conoscitori delle innovazioni potrebbero vedere il modulo di sicurezza durante il festival EcoFest a luglio, l’unicar viene mostrato al pubblico per la prima volta nella storia della tecnologia. La mostra si terrà il 3-5 ottobre all’indirizzo Pobediteley Ave., 20/2. Maggiori informazioni sul nostro sito Web.

#Unicar è un trasporto pubblico, tuttavia, il suo comfort non è inferiore alle caratteristiche di un’auto. Ciascuna sezione di unicar ospita comodamente sei persone, per le quali sono disponibili i sedili. Il peso è di sei tonnellate. Il numero di sezioni in unicar può essere fino a sette, a seconda dell’intensità del traffico passeggeri. È il trasporto del secondo livello, consente di alleggerire il traffico cittadino e risolvere uno dei problemi chiave di una società urbana.

#SkyWayTechnologies Co. è una società di ingegneria impegnata nella progettazione, costruzione e certificazione di sistemi di trasporto SkyWay ad alta velocità (fino a 500 km / h), urbani e merci. Il sistema è noto come #Unitsky String Transport. Le soluzioni ingegneristiche dell’azienda garantiscono un’elevata velocità di movimento, una riduzione dei costi e il livello dell’impatto negativo del trasporto sull’ambiente. La Società ha partecipato al recente forum di lavoro a Nuova Delhi, dopo il quale rappresentanti delle autorità bielorusse hanno visitato EcoTechnoPark.

I veicoli nel trasporto SkyWay sono carrelli elettrici su ruote in acciaio che scorrono su appositi binari. Le principali differenze di design di questo sistema rispetto ad altri tipi di strade nella progettazione del cavalletto sono il pre-stress della struttura per tensione, assenza di un fondo stradale continuo, basso consumo di materiali per la costruzione e leggerezza visiva.

Unicar fa parte della famiglia di modelli di trasporto urbano SkyWay. Si inserisce armoniosamente nelle infrastrutture di qualsiasi metropoli, che è particolarmente importante per le città della Bielorussia in rapida crescita. È nella scaletta del modello con unibuses. È dotato di sedili nella gamma da 2 a 18. Un modello industriale da 18 posti sarà esposto in fiera. La sua velocità massima è di 120-150 km / h, le prestazioni del complesso superano i 50 mila passeggeri / ora, il gradiente stradale longitudinale massimo arriva fino al 30%.

L’anno scorso SkyWay Technologies Co. ha anche partecipato alla mostra “Trasporti e logistica”, l’azienda è diventata uno dei punti salienti dell’evento. Durante la settimana dei trasporti, che è così importante per lo sviluppo dell’industria in Bielorussia e dell’intera Eurasia, abbiamo stabilito contatti con il vicepresidente della Bielorussia Anatoly Kalinin, i ministri dei trasporti della Lituania e la Bielorussia Rimantas Sinkevicius e Anatoly Sivak, primo vicepresidente del Presidio dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze della Bielorussia Sergey Chizhik.

*** English

03.10.2017 19:06

A security module and three-section unicar are demonstrated at the display stand of SkyWay transport. If inquisitive connoisseurs of innovations could see the security module during the festival EcoFest in July, the unicar is shown to the public for the first time in the history of the technology. The exhibition will be held on October 3-5 at the address Pobediteley Ave., 20/2. Read more on our website.

Unicar is a public transport, however, its comfort is not inferior to the features of a car. Each unicar section comfortably accommodates six people, for whom seats are equipped. The weight is six tons. The number of sections in the unicar can be up to seven depending on the intensity of passenger traffic. It is the transport of the second level, it allows to relieve city traffic and to solve one of the key problems of an urban society.

SkyWay Technologies Co. is an engineering Company involved in project designing, construction and certification of high-speed (up to 500 km/h), urban and freight SkyWay transport systems. The system is known as Unitsky String Transport. The Company’s engineering solutions ensure high motion speed, reduce costs and the level of harmful impact of transport on the environment. The Company participated in the recent business forum in New Delhi, after which representatives of Belarusian authorities visited EcoTechnoPark.

The vehicles in SkyWay transport are electric carriages on steel wheels running on special string rails. The main design differences of this system from other types of roads in trestle design are pre-stressing of the structure for tension, absence of a continuous roadbed, low consumption of materials for construction and visual lightness.

Unicar is a part of the family of models of urban SkyWay transport. It harmoniously fits into the infrastructure of any metropolis, which is especially important for fast-growing cities of Belarus. It is in the model lineup with unibuses. It is equipped with seats in the range of 2 to 18. An 18-seat industrial model will be displayed at the exhibition. Its maximum speed is 120-150 km/h, the performance of the complex is above 50 thousand passengers /hour, the maximum longitudinal road gradient is up to 30%.

Last year SkyWay Technologies Co. also participated in the exhibition “Transport and logistics”, the Company has become one of the highlights of the event. During that transport week, which is so important for the development of industry in Belarus and the entire Eurasia, we have established contacts with the Vice Premier of Belarus Anatoly Kalinin, Ministers of transport of Lithuania and Belarus Rimantas Sinkevicius and Anatoly Sivak, first Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of Belarusian National Academy of Sciences Sergey Chizhik.



Të nderuar miq, jemi të kënaqur të njoftojmë se një mjet i ri – reklamat “Investimi i turmave multilevel” u shtua për të përmirësuar kushtet e punës në programin partner të SWIG. Është në dispozicion në llogarinë personale

Ne bëjmë çmos për ju që të punoni lehtësisht, me kënaqësi dhe lehtësi me ne.

** Italiano


Cari amici, siamo lieti di annunciare che è stato aggiunto un nuovo strumento – la pagina pubblicitaria “Multilevel crowd investing” – per migliorare le condizioni di lavoro nel programma dei partner SWIG.
È disponibile nell’account personale

Facciamo del tuo meglio per farti lavorare facilmente, piacevolmente e comodamente con noi.

*** English

03.10.2017 18:39

Dear friends, we are glad to announce that a new instrument – advertising page “Multilevel crowd investing” – was added in order to improve work conditions in SWIG partner program. It is available in personal account

We do your best for you to work easily, pleasantly and comfortably with us.

World News – Lajme Nderkombetare #SKYWAY VS SKEPTICS: HATERS GONNA HATE


Following the path from origin to the present, the SkyWay project answered most of the questions of skeptics. However, questions and claims remained. It’ll be this way forever. The planes fly, but many continue to say – “the planes are falling.” Man conquered space, but comes to the point that some people say – “this is a myth, the earth is flat.” From a theoretical point of view, these objections may have meaning. With practical – they are insignificant. Today, when SkyWay is already passing the acceptance test of the key elements of the system, the project is ready to answer all the questions. To begin, we picked up some of the most sane criticisms and give answers. As an epigraph, we quote the phrase attributed to D. Swift, one of the wittiest people:

When there is a genius in the world, you can recognize him at least by the fact that all dull heads unite in the struggle against him.

Builded not what you said before. There are no main components of SkyWay technology on experimental tracks in EcoTechnoPark – concrete in rails, strings, rail head, etc., the sagging of the track are too large, the transport is noisy…



On EcoFest, which took place on 1th of July, 2017 in EcoTechnoPark (ETP), there were about 5000 people. Photo and video shooting in the territory of the demonstration and certification center was not forbidden: anyone could consider in detail the elements of the tracks, anchor and intermediate supports, switches and make sure that everything in SkyWay is in place. In addition, the main stages of construction were covered in detail by the information service of the company. All the talk about the absence of concrete and strings inside the rail is not really based on, and is solely the product of the imagination of online commentators.

The sags of the track structure on the section of the super light city route completely correspond to the design characteristics. The string rail has different stiffness parameters depending on the version of its design (flexible, semi-rigid, rigid) and the degree of tension of steel wire strings, as well as the steel casing, which determines the magnitude of the sagging of the track structure. SkyWay experts tested various modes of operation of experimental traces, in which the degree of tension of the strings varied, hence, the magnitude of the sag of the string rail did not remain static, but changed. Now the amount of sag in the string rails on all tested sections of the tracks ensures that the movement of vehicles corresponds to the requirements imposed on the comfort of passenger traffic.

The head of the rail. String rails can be manufactured in different versions, depending on the loads and specific operating conditions, including, as with the steel head welded on its body, and without it. The steel head does not have to look like a separate element of the construction – above all, it is a flat steel surface (plane), on which the steel wheel rests and rolling.

Since for the construction of experimental trails in ETP wear-resistant and high-strength steel grades are used, the installation of an additional weldable steel head at this stage is considered impractical – in addition to appreciation, this will not have any effect. EcoTechnoPark, where the SkyWay routes are built – a test and demonstration center. Loads on the track structure are lower here than in constructions operated in commercial traffic. Transportation here is rare, so the wear and tear of the track structure will be negligible. The cost of installing the rail head as a separate element of string systems in the current stage of development is not appropriate. The primary task is to demonstrate the operability of such systems in which prestressed elements – strings – are trestle, rail, steel ropes inside the rail and, to a certain extent, concrete rail filler.

The noise level of the SkyWay rolling stock is lower than that of such a popular type of public transport as a tram. Work on reducing the “noise” continues, the rolling stock is getting quieter.

SkyWay technology is very similar to Müller’s Airbus, which was built in Germany in the 70s, but did not become popular on the transport services market. If similar technology was not needed, then why does SkyWay count on success?



Indeed, suspended monorail for the transportation of passengers are known for a long time and Anatoly Yunitskiy – not the first one who proposed an overpass type of transport. The transport system of the overpass in Wuppertal was commissioned on 1th of March, 1901. The suspension system of the overpass type ÖPNV-Aerobus by the Swiss engineer Gerhard Müller can be called externally similar to the embodiment of the urban type transport complex of Yunitskiy. However, they are similar only visually (the wheel rolls on the rail, and not the cable): a detailed acquaintance with these systems reveals a number of serious design differences. Yunitskiy maximally improved overpass transport, created the system optimal from the point of view of the laws of physics. From the Mueller system SkyWay is distinguished by at least such characteristics:

The material of the ÖPNV-Aerobus track structure is aluminum alloy (Avial), while SkyWay has steel. This difference is one of the key: steel, in comparison with an aluminum alloy, is a stronger and more flexible material, with a lower coefficient of thermal expansion and a high tensile strength. In addition, the production of steel structures is much cheaper than aluminum.

The speed of movement of vehicles in the SkyWay system is up to 500 km/h, in Mueller – 35 km/h.

Muller realized only one version of the track structure – an easy sagging, supported by a rope. Yunitskiy refused this scheme – an easy track structure on spans of up to 5 kilometers will be self-supporting and does not need support on the span. Moreover, Yunitskiy realized 2 more types of rail-string overpass: with a semi-rigid rail and with a rigid rail-string farm, which will ensure speeds of 500 km/h.

Aerodynamics. The wagons of the Müller’s transport system did not have aerodynamic form. This feature initially may seem insignificant, since the rolling stock of the Airbus was moving at speeds up to 40 km/h. However, if we are talking about high-speed transportation (from 150 to 500 km/h in the Yunitskiy system), then it is up to 90% (or more) of energy costs that will be spent on “pushing” the air. The aerodynamic coefficient CX of SkyWay is 7-8 times lower than in the Mueller system. In the same number of times, a unibus with high-speed traffic will require a less powerful engine.

Construction of undercarriage. The use in the SkyWay of a rolling pair “cylindrical steel wheel – flat head of a steel rail” provides several times less rolling resistance and much longer road life than an Müller’s aluminum rail with rail-supported type of wheels on the rail head.

The total material consumption of the Müller system differs noticeably from SkyWay in the larger direction. In addition, the aluminum alloy, of which the elements of the Mueller track structure are made, albeit lighter, but much more expensive in production in comparison with steel.

Construction of the track structure. In the Müller transport system, the rail was suspended from a pre-stressed carrying cable with a diameter of 52 mm, which in turn was suspended on pylons, which is similar to the construction of suspension bridges (one of the most famous is the Golden Gate in San Francisco). In string transport systems, prestressed steel elements (“strings”) are located inside the rail box, which makes it possible to create lightweight and durable structures with significantly lower financial costs for construction and operation.

The difference between Müller’s Airbus and string transport of Yunitskiy is the same fundamental as it is between modern cars and Ford Model T from the beginning of the century: the technologies has gone far ahead, and now the embodiment of the idea of transport of the second level is much better developed and adapted to modern conditions. In fact, the only thing that unites these two transport systems is the idea of moving above the surface of the earth, but practical engineering solutions are completely different.

This is not all the differences, but this is enough to “feel the difference.” As for the lack of demand for such transport systems on the market, the following can be said: Müller’s transport system was ahead in that time and was too innovative, and cities in the 70s not experienced such serious transport problems, so the transport industry relied on the development of habitual and good familiar types of public transport. The volume of production of cars in 2012 compared with 1970 increased by 2.8 times. Accordingly, at the moment transport problems of cities are much more serious than those that were observed in 1975, and in order to make sure, a resident of a large megacity needs only to look one time out the window. Imagine SkyWay systems serving your transport needs, and doubts about the relevance of these systems will disappear by themselves. Time for SkyWay did not come yesterday, it can go away tomorrow, when the teleportation systems are invented. Time for SkyWay – today…

If this does not convince the skeptics and ill-wishers of the differences in the systems of Mueller and Yunitskiy, then let them answer to the question: what distinguishes Zaporozhets from Bugatti – the same 4 round wheels on pneumatic tires, the same round steering wheel, the internal combustion engine, braking system, etc. If differences are found, let us know… We put the ellipsis because it’s not all questions. Information service SkyWay will continue to follow the criticism and in due course will give answers to all sane, substantiated, objections.



Source of publication ©

News / Shqiperia / Albania Konferenca e Pare #SkyWay 14 Shtator 2017

Nje Sukses hapi i apre ne organizimin e Konferences se Pare Ballkanike te #SkyWay organizuar nga Swigroup Albania & Balkans Tirana.

Me nderhyrjen e Joe Artid Fejzo Team Leader Albania dhe President i Swigroup Albania, Migerta Kurtaja dhe Ergisa Cepele te stafit Shqiptar

dhe te Ftuaret Special nga Global TransNet UK LTD ( SkyWay Europe )

Anete Martinsone & Madi Dumitras



News International / Lajme Internacionale 3-5 Tetor 2017 Fiera e Hekurudhave SkyWay e pranishme !

📢3-5 Tetor ne Milano, Itali 📢
Projekti Sky Way permes Global Transnet UK ( zyra SWIG ne Londer, Angli ) do te marre pjese me Standin e tij ne Fiera Expo Ferroviaria 2017

Per te marre pjese GRATIS Duhet te prenotoni Bileten Tuaj te hyrjes 🔔 brenda 2 Tetorit 2017 ne Faqen Internet te Fieres

📢3-5 ottobre a Milano📢
Progetto Sky Way tramite Global Transnet UK (sede SWIG di Londra) parteciperà alla Fiera Expo ferroviaria 2017 🚄🚄🚄

Per partecipare gratis prenotate il vostro biglietto 🔔 entro il 2 ottobre 2017 sul sito


News International / Lajme Internacionale . NEW SKYWAY PRESENTATION

The philosophy of SkyWay transport assumes a continuous development and re-thinking. The development needs a thorough recording and description of achievements and ideas. Annually, quarterly, monthly.

A new colorful booklet on 58 pages with the technology description was released by SkyWay project designing organization in Belarus. Written in plain language and understandable terms, the booklet provides answers to all questions arising on the technology, manufacturing, personnel, plans, and even competitors on the world arena. The SkyWay vision on the development of the world civilization ― eco-homes and linear cities ― is separately described.

Besides the already well-known and proven solutions for urban and intercity environment, everyone willing can see the seaports of SkyWay system designed with the consideration of the requirements to modern infrastructure.

The booklet is created for a wide range of readers worldwide; it complements the re-edition of the monograph by Anatoly Yunitskiy “String transport systems: on Earth and in space” (in Russian, English version will be available in about a couple of months) published recently.



Drejtor i Marketingut dhe Shitjeve në Global Transnet UK

Filozofia e transportit SkyWay merr një zhvillim të vazhdueshëm dhe  te riperpunuar.

Zhvillimi kërkon një regjistrim të plotë dhe përshkrim të arritjeve dhe ideve. Çdo vit, çdo tre muaj, çdo muaj.

Një broshurë e re me ngjyra në 58 faqe me përshkrimin e teknologjisë u lëshua nga organizata projektuese SkyWay në Bjellorusi. I shkruar në gjuhë të thjeshtë dhe në terma të kuptueshme, broshura jep përgjigje për të gjitha pyetjet që dalin rreth teknologjise, prodhimit, personelit, planeve dhe madje edhe konkurrentëve në arenën botërore.

Vizioni SkyWay për zhvillimin e civilizimit botëror – eko-shtëpitë dhe qytetet lineare – përshkruhet veçmas.

Përveç zgjidhjeve tashmë të njohura dhe të provuara për mjedisin urban dhe ndërkufitar, të gjithë pa perjashtim mund të shohin portet detare të sistemit SkyWay të dizajnuara me shqyrtimin e kërkesave për infrastrukturën moderne.

Broshura është krijuar për një gamë të gjerë lexuesish në mbarë botën;

Ajo plotëson ri-botimin e monografisë nga Anatoly YunitskiySistemet e transportit String: në Tokë dhe në hapësirë” (në versionin rus,  anglisht do të jetë në dispozicion pas disa muajve ) të botuar kohët e fundit.